Our Personal Mission

During the process of trying to save our son’s life from Niemann-Pick Disease Type A, a rare and fatal Lysosomal Storage Disease, we were faced with many different challenges. The one challenge we were never able to overcome was finding a treatment option for such a rare and unknown disease in the short time we had.
In July 2012, our 3-year-old son Wylder’s time here on earth came to an end, but he left behind lessons of unconditional love and the power of hope. He also provided us with perspective on how to make a lasting impact on the world by paving the way to help others.
As part of a promise made to our WARRIOR, we formed the Wylder Nation Foundation. We are taking the lessons learned from his beautiful life and using them as a catalyst for positive change to provide hope in the form of treatment options for other children fighting for their lives.
We invite you to join us in living like a WARRIOR by fighting the fight, standing strong, loving unconditionally, and contributing to this important cause.
Together we will succeed in the fight against Lysosomal Storage Diseases.
With Hope Always,
Steven & Shannon Laffoon